“Divorce Judgment” video guides: If you want more information and assistance filling out the FL-180, FL-190, FL-130, and FL-144 judgment forms and if you are willing to pay $20, scroll down to purchase the “Divorce Judgment” video package. Once purchased, you will have instant access to the full instructional videos and be able to download the completed form samples in the Judgment Section of this site. You will receive all of the following:
- Voice-over videos that will walk you through how to fill out the FL-180, FL-190, FL-130, and FL-144 forms, including tips on different ways to complete the forms which can work to your advantage.
- Completed examples of the FL-180, FL-190, FL-130, and FL-144 forms.
- Blank FL-180, FL-190, FL-130, and FL-144 forms that you can fill in, save, and then print.
The “Divorce Judgment” videos are well worth the $20. We provide information about how to fill out the FL-180 so as to extend health insurance coverage and how to fill out the form to provide income tax advantages. We explain what many of the boxes on the FL-180 mean. We also provide other useful information and details on how to fill out the FL-190, FL-130, and FL-144 forms as well as completed form examples for all of the above forms.