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Drafting your Judgment of Dissolution form (FL-180): We are now assuming you have been able to reach an agreement with your spouse on all of the issues and that you have reduced the terms of your agreement to writing using either a Marital Settlement Agreement or using a collection of Judicial Council forms. Now it’s time to prepare your judgment of dissolution. Your judgment of dissolution will consist of a two page court form called “Judgment” (FL-180). Attached to that form will be either a signed Marital Settlement Agreement or the collection of the Judicial Council court forms previously discussed dealing with property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. You can scroll down where you will find a blank FL-180 judgment form that you can fill out and print. Fill out the FL-180 form, and print it. Then attach to the FL-180 either your Marital Settlement Agreement or your collection of the various court forms dealing with property division, spousal support, and, if you have minor children, child custody and child support.