Initial Filings video guides available for purchase
If you want information and assistance filling out the Petition (FL-100), the Summons (FL-110); and the UCCJEA (FL-105), and you are willing to pay a total of $20, using your credit card, click here. You will receive all of the following:
- Three voice-over video guides, one for each form, that will walk you through how to fill out all three forms, including useful information and tips on how to fill out the forms to your advantage.
- Completed examples of all three forms.
- All three blank forms that you can fill in, save, and then print.
The “Initial Filings” video guides are well worth the $20. In the video guides, we explain important concepts such as “date of separation”; the differences between “legal custody” and “physical custody”; the differences between separate property and community property; we explain about the automatic restraining orders that go into effect when you file the Summons; and so much more.